Need help with EAP AKA Fast reauth

deepika parmar parmardeepika9 at
Fri May 5 04:58:23 UTC 2023


        I have configured *EAP-AKA virtual-server in FreeRADIUS to
perform authentication. *

*I could successfully authenticate the Users, However facing an issue
with fast reauth.*

*I have used eap cache to store the session state. I could load the
session state properly *

*On receiving a fast reauth ID. Still reauth is not continued, rather
it fails saying *

*can't calculate re-auth keys and falling back to full auth.*

I could see following logs :


Debug : (2)      eap - Peer sent EAP-Identity.  Returning 'ok' so we can
short-circuit the rest of authorize

Debug : (2)      eap - Setting &control.Auth-Type = eap

Debug : (2)      eap (ok)

Debug : (2)    } # recv Access-Request (ok)

Debug : (2)    default - Running 'authenticate eap' from file

Debug : (2)    default - authenticate eap {

Debug : (2)    eap -   New EAP session started

Debug : (2)    eap -   Peer sent packet with EAP method Identity (1)

Debug : (2)    eap -   Calling submodule eap_aka

Debug : (2)    eap -   subrequest {

Debug : (2.0)    h9-auth-server - recv Identity-Response {

Debug : (2.0)    h9-auth-server -   ok (ok)

Debug : (2.0)    h9-auth-server - } # recv Identity-Response (ok)

Debug : (2.0)    h9-auth-server - New EAP-AKA session

Debug : (2.0)    h9-auth-server - Changed state INIT -> REAUTHENTICATION

Debug : (2.0)    h9-auth-server - load session {

Debug : (2.0)    eap_aka_cache -   | eap-aka-sim.Session-ID

Debug : (2.0)    eap_aka_cache -     | %{eap-aka-sim.Session-ID}

Debug : (2.0)    eap_aka_cache -     | --> 0x346844533743546c516f736a376d62

Debug : (2.0)    eap_aka_cache -      --> 0x346844533743546c516f736a376d62

Debug : (2.0)    eap_aka_cache -   Found entry for

Debug : (2.0)    eap_aka_cache -   Merging cache entry into request

Debug : (2.0)    eap_aka_cache -     &session-State[0].Permanent-Identity
:= '10026000000000 at'

Debug : (2.0)    eap_aka_cache -     &session-State[0].Session-Data :=

Debug : (2.0)    eap_aka_cache -     &session-State[0].Encr-Data.Counter :=

Debug : (2.0)    h9-auth-server -   eap_aka_cache (updated)

Debug : (2.0)    h9-auth-server -   ok (ok)

Debug : (2.0)    h9-auth-server - } # load session (updated)

Debug : (2.0)    h9-auth-server - send Reauthentication-Request {

Debug : (2.0)    h9-auth-server -   &reply.Encr-Data.Next-Reauth-Id :=

Debug : (2.0)    h9-auth-server -   &reply.Encr-Data.Next-Pseudonym :=

Debug : (2.0)    h9-auth-server -   | debug_attr

INFO  : (2.0)    h9-auth-server -     Attributes matching "&session-state"

INFO  : (2.0)    h9-auth-server -       &session-State.session-State = {

INFO  : (2.0)    h9-auth-server -         Permanent-Identity =
10026000000000 at

INFO  : (2.0)    h9-auth-server -         Session-Data =

INFO  : (2.0)    h9-auth-server -         Counter = 0

INFO  : (2.0)    h9-auth-server -       }

Debug : (2.0)    h9-auth-server -   | %(debug_attr:{&session-state})

Debug : (2.0)    h9-auth-server -   | --> (null)

Debug : (2.0)    h9-auth-server -   ok (ok)

Debug : (2.0)    h9-auth-server - } # send Reauthentication-Request (ok)

Debug : (2.0)    h9-auth-server - Generating new session keys

Debug : (2.0)    h9-auth-server - Neither &session-state.Session-Data or
&session-state.MK attributes found, can't calculate re-auth keys
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Getting this error, however I could see session-state
has Session-Data loaded.

Debug : (2.0)    h9-auth-server - Composing EAP-Request/Reauthentication
failed.  Clearing reply attributes and requesting additional Identity

Debug : (2.0)    h9-auth-server - Changed state REAUTHENTICATION ->

Debug : (2.0)    h9-auth-server - send Identity-Request {

Debug : (2.0)    h9-auth-server -   ok (ok)

Debug : (2.0)    h9-auth-server - } # send Identity-Request (ok)

And then it falls back to full authentication...

Summary of my setup:

  *   FreeRadius version4 -  Configured, compiled and installed from
master Branch

  *   wpa_supplicant version 2.10

  *   Ubuntu 20.04 LTS

Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thank you in advance.



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