PPPoE User Suddenly internet is not working even user is connected

Igor Smitran sigor at blic.net
Wed May 31 07:58:38 UTC 2023

Most likely you are having routing problems.

User gets IP from dynamic pool. When user gets IP address from address 
block that is wrongly routed he will not get internet access.

After reconnecting he is mostly likely getting address from correctly 
routed address block and everything is fine.

Maybe it's a good start to check your ip pools on pppoe concentrator and 
routing for those address blocks.


On 31.5.23. 09:49, Vijay A wrote:
> Once a user is connected, Mikrotik doesn't keep any concern with Radius for
> browsing related things. it's all about network .
> Regards
> Vijay A.
> On Sat, May 27, 2023 at 1:56 PM Imdad Hasan <imdadalikadiwala0 at gmail.com>
> wrote:
>> Hi All,
>> One of my clients is complaining to me sometimes, a pppoe user suddenly
>> showing no internet at the user side but the user is connected with
>> mikrotik pppoe server.. when he disconnects it from mikrotik and after
>> re-connection, that user's internet is working fine at the user side..
>> So, is this related to the radius accounting response or something?
>> Because this issue is not there when he is connected to a local user which
>> is created in mikrotik without radius.
>> Thanks
>> Imdad
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