checkrad alternative

Igor Smitran sigor at
Sat Oct 28 19:54:18 UTC 2023

On 28. 10. 23. 18:27, Alan DeKok wrote:
> See raddb/sites-available/originate-coa
>    That's an example virtual server of how to handle CoA packets like this.
>    *But*, you can't wait for the CoA reply, and then reject the original Access-Request.  Version 3 just won't do this.
>    The hack in v3 is to just run the exec module, and exec radclient.  It's ugly, but it's likely to work.
Yes, i can see that, unfortunately. Best way would be to wait for COA 
reply from NAS and then decide to reject access request or allow it.

But, this makes it undoable:

"The "coa" or "disconnect" packet is sent when the current 
Access-Request or Accounting-Request has been finished, and a reply sent 
to the NAS."

I need to get back to drawing board :(

It looks like the only possible way would be to rewrite checkrad and 
send COA from there.

Thank you


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