debug log

Alan DeKok aland at
Wed Jul 10 20:32:20 UTC 2024

On Jul 10, 2024, at 3:05 PM, Ryan McGuire <rmcguire at> wrote:
> Attached is my log when running ntradping 

  Please just paste the message into the email.  That makes it easier to reply in-line, and quote the debug output.  Adding it as an attachment just makes it more difficult to help you, which makes it less likely that you will get help.

  And you don't need to use nradping.  The server comes with test tools: radclient / radtest.

  As for the debug output, it doesn't show anything useful.  For one, you've removed almost everything from it, which the documentation says *don't do*.

  For another, the debug output shows it sending an Access-Accept.  OK... what's wrong?  Is there an error?  Do you expect the server to do something else?

  What, exactly, is the problem you need help with?  Can you describe it?

  I really only have limited patience for this kind of "20 questions" game.  If it's clear that I can't help you, then there's no reason for me to try.

  Alan DeKok.

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