disable password checking against ldap

Alan DeKok aland at deployingradius.com
Thu Jul 11 18:51:59 UTC 2024

On Jul 11, 2024, at 10:33 AM, (null) (null) via Freeradius-Users <freeradius-users at lists.freeradius.org> wrote:
> Thanks, Alan. It works.

  That's good.

> Question 1: How can I utilize the LDAP settings defined in mods-enabled/ldap instead of hardcoding the LDAP connection here?

  You can't, unfortunately.  That's not the way the LDAP expansions works.

> Question 2: How can I implement load balancing across multiple LDAP servers to distribute the authentication load?

  Unfortunately it's not really possible in v3 with the LDAP module.

  Most LDAP servers should be able to keep up with the load.  In many cases, extra redundancy is just a way to have more things which will break.

  Alan DeKok.

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