setting up debugging log

Alan DeKok aland at
Tue Jul 16 14:50:46 UTC 2024

On Jul 16, 2024, at 10:37 AM, Ryan McGuire via Freeradius-Users <freeradius-users at> wrote:
> Thanks for the reply….what would be the ip addresses that I’m wanting to put there? Is this the radius client? My NAS?

  What is the file called?  What do the comments say?

  I'm very sorry, but I don't have time to cut & paste the documentation from the configuration files into messages on the list.  Setting up RADIUS can be complex and difficult.  It requires attention to detail, and an ability to come up to speed on complex and new technology.

  You're not getting replies to most of your messages on the list for two reasons.  One is that many questions can be answered by the existing documentation, or the messages in the debug output.  The other is that it's not clear at all what you're trying to do.

  There is a large amount of documentation on how to set up WiFi authentication.  My personal web sit ( has a step-by-step guide.  If you follow the documentation, it will work.  But if it's still not clear what a "client" is, then all I can do is point you back to the existing documentation.  These concepts are explained in great detail.

  Alan DeKok.

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