Importing users and nas clients from the radius files to a mysql database

Matthew Newton mcn at
Tue Jul 23 10:42:58 UTC 2024

On 23/07/2024 11:10, Conrad Classen wrote:
> I had a look at the "" included in the freeradius source 
> code, however that was designed to be used with freeradius 0.7 and most 
> of the perl script would need to be changed/replaced to work with newer 
> freedaius versions.

Doesn't look like it would need to be updated that much. The users file 
format hasn't really changed. Pull requests welcome.

But just watch out as the SQL format isn't quite as flexible as the 
users file. For most cases it'll work fine, but there are some where you 
can't do as much in SQL, at least not without some tweaking.


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