Freeradius sql module usage

Alan DeKok aland at
Tue Jul 23 19:01:06 UTC 2024

On Jul 23, 2024, at 10:38 AM, Dave Funk <dbfunk at> wrote:
> On Tue, 23 Jul 2024, Alan DeKok wrote:
>> "I have a checklist" is not a convincing argument.
> It prevents idiots from pushing their code to a GitHub project, thus publishing their credentials to the world.

  I see checklists as useful for some things, but they have to be actionable.  "Don't put passwords on disk" is for me not very actionable.

  Any ad-hoc checklist to stop bad behaviours should also have a documented better method.  Otherwise people just invent other, worse, work-arounds.

> Anybody who has to deal with the new US DOD/DOE NIST-800-171 CUI requirements understands the pain of dealing with seemingly senseless restrictions.

  I've seen very large / national "security" organizations publish insecure recommendations.  So yeah, I can see there being some confusing, crazy and outright wrong recommendations from them.

  Alan DeKok.

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