3.2.4 upgrade messed up?

Matthew Newton mcn at freeradius.org
Thu May 30 09:47:02 UTC 2024

On 30/05/2024 04:56, Jonathan Chan wrote:
> I've attempted to upgrade FreeRADIUS from 3.2.3 to 3.2.4 on two test
> machines running Ubuntu 24. After the upgrade, I noticed the directory
> structure was off, with files residing outside of the 3.0 directory, and
> running freeradius -X would no longer load (not really the purpose of this
> message).
> Did I do something wrong with the upgrade?

Your previous packages were from Ubuntu, not from Network RADIUS.

At some point in the past Debian (and Ubuntu) altered their packages to 
put the FreeRADIUS configuration in /etc/freeradius/3.0.

FreeRADIUS has always put the configuration in /etc/freeradius directly, 
which is what the Network RADIUS packages do.

To transition, the easiest way should be to backup the 
/etc/freeradius/3.0 directory contents, purge all the Ubuntu freeradius 
packages and install the Network RADIUS ones. Then copy your backed-up 
configuration files back to /etc/freeradius instead.

You will likely need to fix up "raddbdir" in /etc/freeradius/radiusd.conf

Should be good to go after that.


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