About how to get data from MySQL db in other rlm modules

Alan DeKok aland at deployingradius.com
Fri May 21 19:55:11 CEST 2010

weiwei fang wrote:
> Now I have a question about getting data from mysql database in
> rlm_wimax. I want to add some new attribute (such as the level of a
> single client) in the clients table of mysql. Then when a client request
> arrives to the freeradius server, the rlm_wimax can query the mysql to
> return the client's "new" attribute (newly defined by me, mentioned
> above) in the table back to the client. So if I can write the code in
> rlm_wimax.c by invoking the functions defined in rlm_sql/rlm_mysql, or I
> need to write my own drive code to access the mysql database?

  Nope.  See "man unlang", "Obtaining results from databases"

    Reply-Message := "%{sql:SELECT .....}"

  Alan DeKok.

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