post-auth question, prevent exec if attribute == foo

Duane Cox duanec at
Tue Apr 4 16:49:59 CEST 2006

change NAS-IP-Address before relayingDoes anyone have any insight to this?

----- Original Message ----- 
From: Duane Cox
To: FreeRadius users mailing list
Sent: Monday, April 03, 2006 4:44 PM
Subject: post-auth question, prevent exec if attribute == foo

Hello List:

I'm using the post-auth section in radiusd.conf along with the
Post-Auth-Type REJECT (thanks alan)
to log auth replies to my sql server.

My question is... Is there  a way within the radiusd.conf file to say, "if
nasipaddress = "x.x.x.x" then don't process the sql module in post-auth"

I would like to prevent certain auth replies from being logged, like our
monitoring software for example.

Duane Cox

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