Allow linking against OpenSSL? (Was Re: [GENERAL] Debian package for freeradius_postgresql module)

Nicolas Baradakis nbk at
Mon Apr 10 11:41:49 CEST 2006

Tyler MacDonald wrote:

> 	It's rediculous that this is so simple to achieve technically, and
> all products involved are being provided for free, yet there's still all
> this beaurocratic red tape involved in getting them to play nice together...

I understand very well, and I'd like to help Debian to achieve world
domination, too. But I'm really wary of a license change.

Alternatively, is it possible to leave the LICENSE file intact, and to
write an OpenSSL exception as a side note in a different file? I think
I'll have to do some research whether this is valid or not. (if someone
knows of such an example, it'd help)

Nicolas Baradakis

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