SMUX with FreeRadius

Peter Nixon listuser at
Fri Sep 22 10:56:13 CEST 2006

On Fri 22 Sep 2006 09:11, Kshitij Korde wrote:
> Hi
> I have integrated free radius server with NET-SNMP for monitoring radius
> server. Now the NET-SNMP daemon is detecting radius server. If I run radius 
>server in debug mode I get following debug messages.
> Is there any mechanism where in we can send trap signal if radius server
> goes down?

You do not need to use SMUX or to have snmp support in freeradius to do that. 
Simply add the following to your /etc/snmp/snmpd.conf

 trap2sink       x.x.x.x   community
 proc radiusd


Peter Nixon
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