Freeradius Usage

Edvin Seferovic edvin.seferovic at
Sat Sep 6 01:34:36 CEST 2008



excuse me for asking, but why dont you set up the AppServer in your DMZ ?
you could have ( what I call ) the T - structure


>< --- INTERNET --> GATEWAY ( server1 ) <---> LOCAL LAN


                                                               I  DMZ


                                               SERVER2 + APPServer


It depends how your users use the gateway and how are they suppose to
connect to the Internet. 






From: at
[ at lists.freeradius.or
g] On Behalf Of Jesse Stone
Sent: Samstag, 06. September 2008 01:25
To: FreeRadius users mailing list
Subject: Freeradius Usage


Hi All,


I am new to this mailing list and am about to ask a probably very silly
question.  Please feel free to direct me to resources that'll help me answer


I want to setup the following:


Gateway [server1]

       -  nic1 = Internet

       -  nic2 = DMZ [server2]

       -  nic3 = Router w/ Wireless -> App Server [Server3] (FREERADIUS
SERVER HERE) -> Local Lan


I read a lot about both Freeradius and LDAP and cannot determine if either
can accomplish my goals.


What I want is:


1)  1 central place where all user authenication takes place:   SSH, Shell
Access, Samba, OpenVPN, Mumble, Any other app that requires user

2)  This information stored in a SQL type database so that I can build my
own custom apps to report on user usage, performance ect.

3)  My router has wireless and I have enabled the security features.  I
would still like authenication to take place before a wireless user is
allowed on the network.


For example, 


Currently, I have this: Router w/ Wireless -> App Server [Server3] + Local


I want this: Router w/ Wireless -> App Server [Server3] -> Local Lan


Is Freeradius the best approach for my needs?  Do I need anything else?  




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