Error binding port to ipv6 address

Leigh Martell leigh.martell at
Mon Feb 9 18:57:29 CET 2009

Try just 'ps -e|grep radius' that will catch freeradius aswell as radiusd
which it is called on some.


On Mon, Feb 9, 2009 at 12:02 PM, D'AVELLA STEFANO <
Stefano.DAvella at> wrote:

>  *Be sure that no other freeradius is running and also that you have
> enough rights to open such a port.*
>  *
> *
> *Look in your inet.d or similar to avoid that another service is run
> instead of the planned freeradius.*
> Thanks for the quick answer. I have thought the same because also some old
> mailing list post seemed to be related to this problem.
> I checked this possible problem before posting, but as far as I can see
> there is no other instance of freeradius running (ps -e | grep freeradius
> returns empty), and nothing is listening on that port (according to
> netstat). I also tried to change port several times but it's not working....
> In /etc/services the port 1812 both tcp and udp are correctly assigned to
> radius (in fact in the error message it correctly use the port 1812).
> Regards,
> --
> Stefano D'Avella
> -
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