SV: SV: Controlling with Auth-Type a client must use

Alan DeKok aland at
Mon Jul 26 09:01:21 CEST 2010

Madsen.Jan JMD wrote:
> Yeah okay Alan, I have tried that allready, and it's working. But the challange is, that I got some client that should use the Unix authentication(unix server login), and some that dont(application logins and Cisco node access). So that's why I want to decide witch authiruzation module for a specific client I want to use.
> So is this possible or am I on a wish trip ?

  Yes.  Figure out which client is supposed to get what service, and
configure that.

> A work around I have been thinking on, is to make additional sites (more radius server) and do it that way around, but it requires other ports, or other IP addresses etc.
> But what is your suggestion?

  Write down what you want.  Then, implement it in the server.

  So far, it looks like you haven't done the first step.

  Alan DeKok.

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