Grab request password with ASCII character

Mehdi Ravanbakhsh babakco at
Tue Apr 30 10:27:57 CEST 2013

Dear  Alan DeKok

*in first :i am work hard on this project , and be sure that there is a lot
of subject  (problem ) that i solve myself and if you check my Previous
question i find answer myself*
* and send it to mailing list  for any one Perhaps need to know.*
*in second : i ask question if and even if  i found any information about
that question and it not work in my test. something like multiply
Cisco-AVpair in request .*
*and thanks for your  suggestion .*
*Best regards.*
* *
*  *

On Mon, Apr 29, 2013 at 6:58 PM, Alan DeKok <aland at>wrote:

> Mehdi Ravanbakhsh wrote:
> > first one that is not huge that is one NAS in local network .  and i
> > have just 4 question in general and in all of them i read , test and try
> > by any document that be available for freeradius first.
> >
> > but if my question  nuisance you , i apologize  for that .
>   Don't apologize.  Instead, do more work for yourself.
>   You're asking a LOT of questions.  Most of those questions show you
> haven't bothered to read or think about the existing documentation.
>   That's a problem.  If you don't care enough to do any work, then we
> won't do any work to help you.
>   You're trying to build a large complicated system.  But you're not
> prepared to understand what you're building.
>   So... your system probably won't work.
>   Alan DeKok.
> -
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