FreeRADIUS / PostgreSQL?

Mark DeCheser lists at
Tue Sep 3 18:11:21 CEST 2013

Quick follow-up on this issue.  It's resolved.  I wanted to share the
resolution with the community should anyone encounter a similar issue. 
One part of the equation was provided by Phil and Fajar below:

>> Did you read Phil's excellent reply?

> In reviewing your directions, I noticed one configuration missing from my
> setup:
> /etc/raddb/sql.conf, $INCLUDE sql/${database}/dialup.conf was commented!
> I uncommented, re-ran radiusd -X, and saw much more information:

>  Module: Linked to module rlm_sql
>  Module: Instantiating module "sql" from file /etc/raddb/sql.conf
>   sql {
> 	driver = "rlm_sql_postgresql"
> 	server = "localhost"
> 	port = "5432"
> 	login = "DBusername"
> 	password = "DBpassword"
> 	radius_db = "radiusDB"
> 	read_groups = yes
> 	sqltrace = yes
> 	sqltracefile = "/var/log/radius/sqltrace.sql"
> 	readclients = no
> 	deletestalesessions = yes
> 	num_sql_socks = 5
> 	lifetime = 0
> 	max_queries = 0
> 	sql_user_name = "%{Stripped-User-Name}"
> 	default_user_profile = ""
> 	nas_query = "SELECT id, nasname, shortname, type, secret, server FROM
> nas"
> 	[SNIP]
>   }
> rlm_sql (sql): Driver rlm_sql_postgresql (module rlm_sql_postgresql)
> loaded and linked

The other component missing was definitely in pg_hba.conf.  Below is

> local   all         all                               trust
> host    all         all          trust
> host    all         all         ::1/128               trust

The following entries worked for me:

local   all         all                                 password
host	all 	    all 	  MY.PUB.IP.ADDR/24	trust
host    all         all           ::1/128               trust

It's also worth note that I have an iptables rule blocking inbound
connections to PostgreSQL from all external hosts.

As of last night, I managed to cobble together unified authentication for
PPTP, Squid, using FreeRADIUS users stored in PostgreSQL.

Thanks for everyone's help!


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