Rejected: Username contains ..s; 3.0.8

Herwin Weststrate herwin at
Mon Jun 15 10:20:29 CEST 2015

On 14-06-15 15:14, firing neurons wrote:
>    I compiled freeradius-3.0.8-2.fc23 from fedora koji with the SRPM
>    method. Running on fedora 22.
>    I used modified files of my 3.0.4 config. 3.0.4 crashes on
>    originate-coa.

3.0.5 has had some changes regarding regular expressions, which means
the policy now probably checks for the regex /../ (meaning: two
characters) instead of the intended /\.\./ (meaning: two consecutive dots).
This might be fixed by setting `correct_escapes = true` in
`radiusd.conf` and using the policy rules from 3.0.5 or later.

Herwin Weststrate

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