Weird issue - threads bottleneck in post-proxy section

"RESTOUX, Loïc" loic.restoux at
Wed Mar 4 18:42:08 CET 2015

Le 04/03/2015 17:28, Alan DeKok a écrit :
> You should be able to test this by looking at the current thread ID. 
> If it’s the same as the master thread, it’s a problem.

That's what I did, and... there is a problem. :-) It's not single 
threaded as I see child threads running, too.

What is the next step ? Is there something I should check in the 
configuration, that may explain this behaviour ? Or should I fill an 
issue on the github repository ?

Thank you for you help,
logo Capgemini 	 Restoux Loïc
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