freeradius -> AD performance

Munroe Sollog mus3 at
Fri Dec 20 19:28:30 CET 2019

I would like to replace the windows NPS service with freeradius.
Freeradius provides a lot better visibility and control than the Microsoft
NPS service.  However, doing some very rudimentary performance analysis and
my freeradius server is ~4-5times slower than the Microsoft NPS service.

My wireless controllers provide a "test your radius server" command and it
outputs the response time.  I am testing using a known bad username and
password against both radius servers.  According to the wireless controller
the MS NPS returns a result in ~3ms, while Freeradius returns a response in
~1000ms.  The NPS server I am benchmarking is in production and under load
while the freeradius server I am testing is not.

Below is the output of freeradius -X as well as an example query.  If
anyone sees anything that might explain the ~300% performance difference,
I'd appreciate it.

main {
 security {
  user = "freerad"
  group = "freerad"
  allow_core_dumps = no
name = "freeradius"
prefix = "/usr"
localstatedir = "/var"
logdir = "/var/log/freeradius"
run_dir = "/var/run/freeradius"
main {
name = "freeradius"
prefix = "/usr"
localstatedir = "/var"
sbindir = "/usr/sbin"
logdir = "/var/log/freeradius"
run_dir = "/var/run/freeradius"
libdir = "/usr/lib/freeradius"
radacctdir = "/var/log/freeradius/radacct"
hostname_lookups = no
max_request_time = 30
cleanup_delay = 5
max_requests = 16384
pidfile = "/var/run/freeradius/"
checkrad = "/usr/sbin/checkrad"
debug_level = 0
proxy_requests = yes
 log {
  stripped_names = no
  auth = yes
  auth_badpass = yes
  auth_goodpass = no
  colourise = yes
  msg_denied = "You are already logged in - access denied"
 resources {
 security {
  max_attributes = 200
  reject_delay = 1.000000
  status_server = yes
radiusd: #### Loading Realms and Home Servers ####
 proxy server {
  retry_delay = 5
  retry_count = 3
  default_fallback = no
  dead_time = 120
  wake_all_if_all_dead = no
 home_server localhost {
  ipaddr =
  port = 1812
  type = "auth"
  secret = <<< secret >>>
  response_window = 20.000000
  response_timeouts = 1
  max_outstanding = 65536
  zombie_period = 40
  status_check = "status-server"
  ping_interval = 30
  check_interval = 30
  check_timeout = 4
  num_answers_to_alive = 3
  revive_interval = 120
  limit {
  max_connections = 16
  max_requests = 0
  lifetime = 0
  idle_timeout = 0
  coa {
  irt = 2
  mrt = 16
  mrc = 5
  mrd = 30
 home_server_pool my_auth_failover {
type = fail-over
home_server = localhost
 realm {
auth_pool = my_auth_failover
 realm LOCAL {
radiusd: #### Loading Clients ####
 client localhost {
  ipaddr =
  require_message_authenticator = no
  secret = <<< secret >>>
  nas_type = "other"
  proto = "*"
  limit {
  max_connections = 16
  lifetime = 0
  idle_timeout = 30
 client localhost_ipv6 {
  ipv6addr = ::1
  require_message_authenticator = no
  secret = <<< secret >>>
  limit {
  max_connections = 16
  lifetime = 0
  idle_timeout = 30
 client aruba {
  ipaddr =
  require_message_authenticator = no
  secret = <<< secret >>>
  proto = "*"
  limit {
  max_connections = 32
  lifetime = 0
  idle_timeout = 30
 client newguy {
  ipaddr =
  require_message_authenticator = no
  secret = <<< secret >>>
  proto = "*"
  limit {
  max_connections = 16
  lifetime = 0
  idle_timeout = 30
Debugger not attached
 # Creating Auth-Type = digest
 # Creating Auth-Type = eap
 # Creating Auth-Type = MS-CHAP
 # Creating Auth-Type = mschap
radiusd: #### Instantiating modules ####
 modules {
  # Loaded module rlm_replicate
  # Loading module "replicate" from file
  # Loaded module rlm_radutmp
  # Loading module "radutmp" from file
  radutmp {
  filename = "/var/log/freeradius/radutmp"
  username = "%{User-Name}"
  case_sensitive = yes
  check_with_nas = yes
  permissions = 384
  caller_id = yes
  # Loaded module rlm_eap
  # Loading module "eap" from file /etc/freeradius/3.0/mods-enabled/eap
  eap {
  default_eap_type = "peap"
  timer_expire = 60
  ignore_unknown_eap_types = no
  cisco_accounting_username_bug = no
  max_sessions = 16384
  # Loaded module rlm_passwd
  # Loading module "etc_passwd" from file
  passwd etc_passwd {
  filename = "/etc/passwd"
  format = "*User-Name:Crypt-Password:"
  delimiter = ":"
  ignore_nislike = no
  ignore_empty = yes
  allow_multiple_keys = no
  hash_size = 100
  # Loaded module rlm_files
  # Loading module "files" from file /etc/freeradius/3.0/mods-enabled/files
  files {
  filename = "/etc/freeradius/3.0/mods-config/files/authorize"
  acctusersfile = "/etc/freeradius/3.0/mods-config/files/accounting"
  preproxy_usersfile = "/etc/freeradius/3.0/mods-config/files/pre-proxy"
  # Loaded module rlm_soh
  # Loading module "soh" from file /etc/freeradius/3.0/mods-enabled/soh
  soh {
  dhcp = yes
  # Loaded module rlm_digest
  # Loading module "digest" from file
  # Loaded module rlm_detail
  # Loading module "auth_log" from file
  detail auth_log {
  filename =
  header = "%t"
  permissions = 384
  locking = no
  escape_filenames = no
  log_packet_header = no
  # Loading module "reply_log" from file
  detail reply_log {
  filename =
  header = "%t"
  permissions = 384
  locking = no
  escape_filenames = no
  log_packet_header = no
  # Loading module "pre_proxy_log" from file
  detail pre_proxy_log {
  filename =
  header = "%t"
  permissions = 384
  locking = no
  escape_filenames = no
  log_packet_header = no
  # Loading module "post_proxy_log" from file
  detail post_proxy_log {
  filename =
  header = "%t"
  permissions = 384
  locking = no
  escape_filenames = no
  log_packet_header = no
  # Loaded module rlm_utf8
  # Loading module "utf8" from file /etc/freeradius/3.0/mods-enabled/utf8
  # Loaded module rlm_attr_filter
  # Loading module "" from file
  attr_filter {
  filename = "/etc/freeradius/3.0/mods-config/attr_filter/post-proxy"
  key = "%{Realm}"
  relaxed = no
  # Loading module "attr_filter.pre-proxy" from file
  attr_filter attr_filter.pre-proxy {
  filename = "/etc/freeradius/3.0/mods-config/attr_filter/pre-proxy"
  key = "%{Realm}"
  relaxed = no
  # Loading module "attr_filter.access_reject" from file
  attr_filter attr_filter.access_reject {
  filename = "/etc/freeradius/3.0/mods-config/attr_filter/access_reject"
  key = "%{User-Name}"
  relaxed = no
  # Loading module "attr_filter.access_challenge" from file
  attr_filter attr_filter.access_challenge {
  filename = "/etc/freeradius/3.0/mods-config/attr_filter/access_challenge"
  key = "%{User-Name}"
  relaxed = no
  # Loading module "attr_filter.accounting_response" from file
  attr_filter attr_filter.accounting_response {
  filename =
  key = "%{User-Name}"
  relaxed = no
  # Loaded module rlm_mschap
  # Loading module "mschap" from file
  mschap {
  use_mppe = yes
  require_encryption = no
  require_strong = no
  with_ntdomain_hack = yes
   passchange {
  allow_retry = yes
  winbind_retry_with_normalised_username = no
  # Loaded module rlm_preprocess
  # Loading module "preprocess" from file
  preprocess {
  huntgroups = "/etc/freeradius/3.0/mods-config/preprocess/huntgroups"
  hints = "/etc/freeradius/3.0/mods-config/preprocess/hints"
  with_ascend_hack = no
  ascend_channels_per_line = 23
  with_ntdomain_hack = no
  with_specialix_jetstream_hack = no
  with_cisco_vsa_hack = no
  with_alvarion_vsa_hack = no
  # Loaded module rlm_unix
  # Loading module "unix" from file /etc/freeradius/3.0/mods-enabled/unix
  unix {
  radwtmp = "/var/log/freeradius/radwtmp"
Creating attribute Unix-Group
  # Loading module "sradutmp" from file
  radutmp sradutmp {
  filename = "/var/log/freeradius/sradutmp"
  username = "%{User-Name}"
  case_sensitive = yes
  check_with_nas = yes
  permissions = 420
  caller_id = no
  # Loaded module rlm_dynamic_clients
  # Loading module "dynamic_clients" from file
  # Loaded module rlm_realm
  # Loading module "IPASS" from file /etc/freeradius/3.0/mods-enabled/realm
  realm IPASS {
  format = "prefix"
  delimiter = "/"
  ignore_default = no
  ignore_null = no
  # Loading module "suffix" from file /etc/freeradius/3.0/mods-enabled/realm
  realm suffix {
  format = "suffix"
  delimiter = "@"
  ignore_default = no
  ignore_null = no
  # Loading module "realmpercent" from file
  realm realmpercent {
  format = "suffix"
  delimiter = "%"
  ignore_default = no
  ignore_null = no
  # Loading module "ntdomain" from file
  realm ntdomain {
  format = "prefix"
  delimiter = "\\"
  ignore_default = no
  ignore_null = no
  # Loading module "detail" from file
  detail {
  filename =
  header = "%t"
  permissions = 384
  locking = no
  escape_filenames = no
  log_packet_header = no
  # Loaded module rlm_logintime
  # Loading module "logintime" from file
  logintime {
  minimum_timeout = 60
  # Loaded module rlm_expiration
  # Loading module "expiration" from file
  # Loaded module rlm_exec
  # Loading module "exec" from file /etc/freeradius/3.0/mods-enabled/exec
  exec {
  wait = no
  input_pairs = "request"
  shell_escape = yes
  timeout = 10
  # Loaded module rlm_unpack
  # Loading module "unpack" from file
  # Loaded module rlm_cache
  # Loading module "cache_eap" from file
  cache cache_eap {
  driver = "rlm_cache_rbtree"
  key = "%{%{control:State}:-%{%{reply:State}:-%{State}}}"
  ttl = 15
  max_entries = 0
  epoch = 0
  add_stats = no
  # Loaded module rlm_always
  # Loading module "reject" from file
  always reject {
  rcode = "reject"
  simulcount = 0
  mpp = no
  # Loading module "fail" from file /etc/freeradius/3.0/mods-enabled/always
  always fail {
  rcode = "fail"
  simulcount = 0
  mpp = no
  # Loading module "ok" from file /etc/freeradius/3.0/mods-enabled/always
  always ok {
  rcode = "ok"
  simulcount = 0
  mpp = no
  # Loading module "handled" from file
  always handled {
  rcode = "handled"
  simulcount = 0
  mpp = no
  # Loading module "invalid" from file
  always invalid {
  rcode = "invalid"
  simulcount = 0
  mpp = no
  # Loading module "userlock" from file
  always userlock {
  rcode = "userlock"
  simulcount = 0
  mpp = no
  # Loading module "notfound" from file
  always notfound {
  rcode = "notfound"
  simulcount = 0
  mpp = no
  # Loading module "noop" from file /etc/freeradius/3.0/mods-enabled/always
  always noop {
  rcode = "noop"
  simulcount = 0
  mpp = no
  # Loading module "updated" from file
  always updated {
  rcode = "updated"
  simulcount = 0
  mpp = no
  # Loaded module rlm_linelog
  # Loading module "linelog" from file
  linelog {
  filename = "/var/log/freeradius/linelog"
  escape_filenames = no
  syslog_severity = "info"
  permissions = 384
  format = "This is a log message for %{User-Name}"
  reference = "messages.%{%{reply:Packet-Type}:-default}"
  # Loading module "log_accounting" from file
  linelog log_accounting {
  filename = "/var/log/freeradius/linelog-accounting"
  escape_filenames = no
  syslog_severity = "info"
  permissions = 384
  format = ""
  reference = "Accounting-Request.%{%{Acct-Status-Type}:-unknown}"
  # Loaded module rlm_expr
  # Loading module "expr" from file /etc/freeradius/3.0/mods-enabled/expr
  expr {
  safe_characters =
  # Loading module "echo" from file /etc/freeradius/3.0/mods-enabled/echo
  exec echo {
  wait = yes
  program = "/bin/echo %{User-Name}"
  input_pairs = "request"
  output_pairs = "reply"
  shell_escape = yes
  instantiate {
  # Instantiating module "eap" from file
   # Linked to sub-module rlm_eap_tls
   tls {
    tls = "tls-common"
   tls-config tls-common {
    verify_depth = 0
    ca_path = "/etc/freeradius/3.0/certs"
    pem_file_type = yes
    private_key_file = "/etc/ssl/private/ssl-cert-snakeoil.key"
    certificate_file = "/etc/ssl/certs/ssl-cert-snakeoil.pem"
    ca_file = "/etc/ssl/certs/ca-certificates.crt"
    private_key_password = <<< secret >>>
    dh_file = "/etc/freeradius/3.0/certs/dh"
    fragment_size = 1024
    include_length = yes
    auto_chain = yes
    check_crl = no
    check_all_crl = no
    cipher_list = "DEFAULT"
    cipher_server_preference = no
    ecdh_curve = "prime256v1"
    tls_max_version = ""
    tls_min_version = "1.0"
    cache {
    enable = yes
    lifetime = 1
    name = "tls-eap"
    max_entries = 255
    persist_dir = "/var/lib/radiusd/tlscache"
    verify {
    skip_if_ocsp_ok = no
    ocsp {
    enable = no
    override_cert_url = yes
    url = ""
    use_nonce = yes
    timeout = 0
    softfail = no
   # Linked to sub-module rlm_eap_peap
   peap {
    tls = "tls-common"
    default_eap_type = "mschapv2"
    copy_request_to_tunnel = no
    use_tunneled_reply = yes
    proxy_tunneled_request_as_eap = yes
    virtual_server = "inner-tunnel"
    soh = no
    require_client_cert = no
tls: Using cached TLS configuration from previous invocation
   # Linked to sub-module rlm_eap_mschapv2
   mschapv2 {
    with_ntdomain_hack = no
    send_error = no
    identity = "ccc"
  # Instantiating module "etc_passwd" from file
rlm_passwd: nfields: 3 keyfield 0(User-Name) listable: no
  # Instantiating module "files" from file
reading pairlist file /etc/freeradius/3.0/mods-config/files/authorize
reading pairlist file /etc/freeradius/3.0/mods-config/files/accounting
reading pairlist file /etc/freeradius/3.0/mods-config/files/pre-proxy
  # Instantiating module "auth_log" from file
rlm_detail (auth_log): 'User-Password' suppressed, will not appear in
detail output
  # Instantiating module "reply_log" from file
  # Instantiating module "pre_proxy_log" from file
  # Instantiating module "post_proxy_log" from file
  # Instantiating module "" from file
reading pairlist file /etc/freeradius/3.0/mods-config/attr_filter/post-proxy
  # Instantiating module "attr_filter.pre-proxy" from file
reading pairlist file /etc/freeradius/3.0/mods-config/attr_filter/pre-proxy
  # Instantiating module "attr_filter.access_reject" from file
reading pairlist file
[/etc/freeradius/3.0/mods-config/attr_filter/access_reject]:11 Check item
"FreeRADIUS-Response-Delay" found in filter list for realm "DEFAULT".
[/etc/freeradius/3.0/mods-config/attr_filter/access_reject]:11 Check item
"FreeRADIUS-Response-Delay-USec" found in filter list for realm "DEFAULT".
  # Instantiating module "attr_filter.access_challenge" from file
reading pairlist file
  # Instantiating module "attr_filter.accounting_response" from file
reading pairlist file
  # Instantiating module "mschap" from file
rlm_mschap (mschap): Initialising connection pool
   pool {
    start = 5
    min = 3
    max = 32
    spare = 10
    uses = 0
    lifetime = 86400
    cleanup_interval = 300
    idle_timeout = 600
    retry_delay = 30
    spread = no
rlm_mschap (mschap): Opening additional connection (0), 1 of 32 pending
slots used
rlm_mschap (mschap): Opening additional connection (1), 1 of 31 pending
slots used
rlm_mschap (mschap): Opening additional connection (2), 1 of 30 pending
slots used
rlm_mschap (mschap): Opening additional connection (3), 1 of 29 pending
slots used
rlm_mschap (mschap): Opening additional connection (4), 1 of 28 pending
slots used
rlm_mschap (mschap): authenticating directly to winbind
  # Instantiating module "preprocess" from file
reading pairlist file /etc/freeradius/3.0/mods-config/preprocess/huntgroups
reading pairlist file /etc/freeradius/3.0/mods-config/preprocess/hints
  # Instantiating module "IPASS" from file
  # Instantiating module "suffix" from file
  # Instantiating module "realmpercent" from file
  # Instantiating module "ntdomain" from file
  # Instantiating module "detail" from file
  # Instantiating module "logintime" from file
  # Instantiating module "expiration" from file
  # Instantiating module "cache_eap" from file
rlm_cache (cache_eap): Driver rlm_cache_rbtree (module rlm_cache_rbtree)
loaded and linked
  # Instantiating module "reject" from file
  # Instantiating module "fail" from file
  # Instantiating module "ok" from file
  # Instantiating module "handled" from file
  # Instantiating module "invalid" from file
  # Instantiating module "userlock" from file
  # Instantiating module "notfound" from file
  # Instantiating module "noop" from file
  # Instantiating module "updated" from file
  # Instantiating module "linelog" from file
  # Instantiating module "log_accounting" from file
 } # modules
radiusd: #### Loading Virtual Servers ####
server { # from file /etc/freeradius/3.0/radiusd.conf
} # server
server default { # from file /etc/freeradius/3.0/sites-enabled/default
 # Loading authenticate {...}
 # Loading authorize {...}
 # Loading preacct {...}
 # Loading accounting {...}
Ignoring "sql" (see raddb/mods-available/README.rst)
 # Loading post-proxy {...}
 # Loading post-auth {...}
} # server default
server inner-tunnel { # from file
 # Loading authenticate {...}
 # Loading authorize {...}
 # Loading session {...}
 # Loading post-proxy {...}
 # Loading post-auth {...}
 # Skipping contents of 'if' as it is always 'false' --
} # server inner-tunnel
radiusd: #### Opening IP addresses and Ports ####
listen {
  type = "auth"
  ipaddr = *
  port = 0
   limit {
    max_connections = 16
    lifetime = 0
    idle_timeout = 30
listen {
  type = "acct"
  ipaddr = *
  port = 0
   limit {
    max_connections = 16
    lifetime = 0
    idle_timeout = 30
listen {
  type = "auth"
  ipv6addr = ::
  port = 0
   limit {
    max_connections = 16
    lifetime = 0
    idle_timeout = 30
listen {
  type = "acct"
  ipv6addr = ::
  port = 0
   limit {
    max_connections = 16
    lifetime = 0
    idle_timeout = 30
listen {
  type = "auth"
  ipaddr =
  port = 18120
Listening on auth address * port 1812 bound to server default
Listening on acct address * port 1813 bound to server default
Listening on auth address :: port 1812 bound to server default
Listening on acct address :: port 1813 bound to server default
Listening on auth address port 18120 bound to server inner-tunnel
Listening on proxy address * port 55646
Listening on proxy address :: port 47072
Ready to process requests

(0) Received Access-Request Id 10 from to length 194
(0)   NAS-IP-Address =
(0)   NAS-Port = 0
(0)   NAS-Port-Type = Wireless-802.11
(0)   User-Name = "foo"
(0)   Service-Type = Login-User
(0)   Calling-Station-Id = ""
(0)   Called-Station-Id = "204C03020CC0"
(0)   MS-CHAP-Challenge = 0x42f648660a47f2860d94aed796c52c71
(0)   MS-CHAP2-Response =
(0)   Aruba-Location-Id = "N/A"
(0)   Aruba-AP-Group = "N/A"
(0)   Message-Authenticator = 0xfbc5275c0912b9aca881404e2bc4e43c
(0) # Executing section authorize from file
(0)   authorize {
(0)     policy filter_username {
(0)       if (&User-Name) {
(0)       if (&User-Name)  -> TRUE
(0)       if (&User-Name)  {
(0)         if (&User-Name =~ / /) {
(0)         if (&User-Name =~ / /)  -> FALSE
(0)         if (&User-Name =~ /@[^@]*@/ ) {
(0)         if (&User-Name =~ /@[^@]*@/ )  -> FALSE
(0)         if (&User-Name =~ /\.\./ ) {
(0)         if (&User-Name =~ /\.\./ )  -> FALSE
(0)         if ((&User-Name =~ /@/) && (&User-Name !~ /@(.+)\.(.+)$/))  {
(0)         if ((&User-Name =~ /@/) && (&User-Name !~ /@(.+)\.(.+)$/))   ->
(0)         if (&User-Name =~ /\.$/)  {
(0)         if (&User-Name =~ /\.$/)   -> FALSE
(0)         if (&User-Name =~ /@\./)  {
(0)         if (&User-Name =~ /@\./)   -> FALSE
(0)       } # if (&User-Name)  = notfound
(0)     } # policy filter_username = notfound
(0)     [preprocess] = ok
(0) mschap: Found MS-CHAP attributes.  Setting 'Auth-Type  = mschap'
(0)     [mschap] = ok
(0) suffix: Checking for suffix after "@"
(0) suffix: No '@' in User-Name = "foo", looking up realm NULL
(0) suffix: No such realm "NULL"
(0)     [suffix] = noop
(0) eap: No EAP-Message, not doing EAP
(0)     [eap] = noop
(0)     [expiration] = noop
(0)     [logintime] = noop
(0)   } # authorize = ok
(0) Found Auth-Type = mschap
(0) Auth-Type sub-section not found.  Ignoring.
(0) # Executing group from file /etc/freeradius/3.0/sites-enabled/default
(0) Failed to authenticate the user
(0) Using Post-Auth-Type Reject
(0) # Executing group from file /etc/freeradius/3.0/sites-enabled/default
(0)   Post-Auth-Type REJECT {
(0) attr_filter.access_reject: EXPAND %{User-Name}
(0) attr_filter.access_reject:    --> foo
(0) attr_filter.access_reject: Matched entry DEFAULT at line 11
(0)     [attr_filter.access_reject] = updated
(0)     [eap] = noop
(0)     policy remove_reply_message_if_eap {
(0)       if (&reply:EAP-Message && &reply:Reply-Message) {
(0)       if (&reply:EAP-Message && &reply:Reply-Message)  -> FALSE
(0)       else {
(0)         [noop] = noop
(0)       } # else = noop
(0)     } # policy remove_reply_message_if_eap = noop
(0)   } # Post-Auth-Type REJECT = updated
(0) Login incorrect: [foo/<via Auth-Type = mschap>] (from client aruba port
0 cli
(0) Delaying response for 1.000000 seconds
Waking up in 0.3 seconds.
Waking up in 0.6 seconds.
(0) Sending delayed response
(0) Sent Access-Reject Id 10 from to
length 20
Waking up in 3.9 seconds.
(0) Cleaning up request packet ID 10 with timestamp +13
Ready to process requests

Munroe Sollog
Senior Network Engineer
munroe at

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