Freeradius, BYOD and certs

Chris Bradley bradleyc at
Thu Dec 2 22:10:43 CET 2021

Hi everyone!

We're trying to update our freeradius so that it will work with Android 11+
clients without using the "do not validate" option.

What we want to do is allow BYOD devices to connect to our freeradius
server (using LDAP authentication) and connect by putting the domain entry
in for connecting with an android.

Freeradius is working fine with LDAP.

Ultimately, I'm trying to put a certificate on the freeradius server so
that BYOD clients (android 11+ specifically) can authenticate using LDAP
*without* them having to download a certificate from somewhere before
attempting the connection to freeradius.

>From what I understand, I can't do that with a wildcard certificate or a
self-signed one.

So, if that's possible, I need some guidance on how to get it accomplished
and what kind of cert I need to procure.



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