Custom attribute list

Alan DeKok aland at
Fri Dec 3 14:21:41 CET 2021

On Dec 3, 2021, at 8:17 AM, Lineconnect <nabble at> wrote:
> Is there any way to create a custom attribute list as there are for "request", "config", "session-state", "reply"? 

  Unfortunately, no.

> New attributes can be created with a dictionary file but is there similar way to create a new list? 
> Background is that I want to use the linelog module and the xlat expansion, e.g. %{pairs:reply:}, but don't want to log EAP stuff and MPPE session keys etc, but it would be nice to have the possibility to use the dynamic expansion of these lists. 

  You can just list each attribute you want to log.

> Since I didn't find anything in the documentation, the answer is probably no but it doesn't hurt to ask. 


  In v4, there's native support for nested groups.  So it would be possible there to (a) create a "group" attribute, and (b) copy a bunch of things there.  It's not entirely like a new list, but it's close enough that it's fine.

  We're doing some final architectural work.  We hope to have an alpha version in Q2 2022.

  Alan DeKok.

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