Users Files Match

Nicolas Breuer Nicolas.Breuer at
Thu Dec 9 17:23:53 CET 2021

Sorry Matthew,

Please find the full debug attached.

The problem is the match with our DEFAULT values in Users file: It doesn't match the correct line.

(0)     [suffix] = ok
(0) auth_dsl: users: Matched entry DEFAULT at line 10
(0) auth_dsl: EXPAND ^([^@]+)@(.*)
(0) auth_dsl:    --> ^([^@]+)@(.*)
(0) auth_dsl: users: Matched entry DEFAULT at line 14
(0) auth_dsl: users: Matched entry DEFAULT at line 84
(0) auth_dsl: users: Matched entry BCtest at YYY at line 91

Thanks in advance for your ideas.

-----Message d'origine-----
De : Freeradius-Users < at> De la part de Matthew Newton
Envoyé : jeudi 9 décembre 2021 14:35
À : freeradius-users at
Objet : Re: Users Files Match

On 09/12/2021 13:27, Nicolas Breuer wrote:
> Can you help or I have to change my mind and set the replies in the configuration file ?
> We have to configure two 'sets' of replies based on the NAS-IP Address.

I lost interest after pointing you to a page which explicitly says post the full debug output, and specifically makes that clear and tells you how to do it, and why we want that... and you kept drip feeding tiny bits of it. Sorry.

If setting the replies works with unlang then sure, do that.

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