Freeradius+AD - Login with EmployeeID

Alan DeKok aland at
Mon Aug 7 17:03:49 UTC 2023

On Aug 7, 2023, at 12:04 PM, Rodrigo Abrantes Antunes <rodrigoantunes at> wrote:
> Isn't the expanded filters in the logs the filters that freeradius is using?


> I did what you said about the ldapsearch parameters, I can confirm that everything is in order.

  Well, something is different between ldapsearch and the FreeRADIUS configuration.

> I thought this was a simple configuration that would work in any version, thanks for let me know it isn't so simple and that it may be related to the freeradius version.

  Try 3.2.  If it works, then the issue is v2.x magic, and you can move on.

  Alan DeKok.

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