problem with ippool module

Alan DeKok aland at
Wed Jul 10 13:24:49 UTC 2024

On Jul 10, 2024, at 8:38 AM, Rubenb <rubenb at> wrote:
> I dont know if there is a issue , but as you can see:
> I have not configured to write in /etc , this is by default , as you can see example config file ippool module , and base config of freeradius in radiusd.conf , vars point to /etc/freeradius folder, that folder is writable by freerad user.

  See the comments in radiusd.conf.  You can change db_dir to point somewhere else.

  If you install the server from a package, then db_dir will point to a writeable location, like /var.  If you install from source, then the default uses ${raddb}, with a comment to change it.

  Alan DeKok.

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